
I believe that knowledge should be a common good.
I don’t believe in secrets, nor in hidden solutions.
I believe in a world in which every individual is willing to share his/her own knowledges/abilities with the comunity, that in change is supporting the individuals in their acknowledgment-processes.

I believe in intellectual property and in quoting and respecting each knowledge and conscious research.
I believe in open sources and in sustaining accessible culture.
What I mean with “culture”, is anything that may help each individual in understanig him/herself and in growing as a collaborative human being.

Here you can find some studying/reflecting/research material I put together in the last years.

Please feel free to use it, to contribute, to get inspired, to go aginst it, to bring it forward.
Just use it responsibly.


  • circles
    is a graphic notation system that deals with my view of time and space.

  • re:percussion
    is the archive of my workshop, subtitled “The drumset as a multi-percussion instrument“.
    Any reference to Max Roach’s M’Boom is purely on purpose.

    the web archive where you can find some papers I wrote as a student, partially about spectralism, Bartok, percussion and electronics, sociolinguistics.



Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, the content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.